Friday, December 14, 2007


Another Week...ANother edition of Friday Forecast!

1. Wahine Hoops vs. Western Carolina
2. Does Iolani make it to Championship Game of Girls' Iolani Classic
3. Clippers vs. Lakers (Sunday)
4. Patriots vs. Jets
5. Randy Moss Receiving Yards vs. Jets
6. Miami vs. Baltimore (Sunday)

Jim: Hawaii 67-63 OT, No, Lakers, Patriots, 163 Yds, Ravens
Veneri: Hawaii 54-45, Yes, Lakers, Patriots, 120 Yds, Ravens
Rob: Hawaii 54-50, Yes, Lakers, Jets, 64 Yards, Dolphins
Felipe: Hawaii 58-49, No, Lakers, Patriots, 189 yards, Ravens

Leave your picks below! See if you can beat-out last week's WINNER...
DeMello's WIFE!!!! Caramello...


Anonymous said...

OK, I guess I'm first.

Bigmikey says:
1. Wahine
2. No
3. Lakers
4. Patriots are you kidding DeMello? Not even with the spread would I take the Jets.
5. only 96, but 3 TD's
6. Miami.

Anonymous said...

210 Yds.

Anonymous said...

115 Yds.

Anonymous said...

1. Wahine Hoops vs. Western Carolina

Wahine 65-60. Hooray.

2. Does Iolani make it to Championship Game of Girls' Iolani Classic

Nothing would give me greater pleasure than seeing Glenn Takara's glorious mustache on the sidelines of the championship game. My answer is yes.

3. Clippers vs. Lakers (Sunday)

Clips. Spurred by fallout from the increasingly bitter rivalry, an enraged Dyan Cannon gives Clippers fanatic Frankie Muniz an atomic wedgie. So, basically a win-win situation.

4. Patriots vs. Jets

Pats. I'm secretly pulling for a 16-0 season just so I can see Mercury Morris' head explode.

5. Randy Moss Receiving Yards vs. Jets

100; a C-note; straight cash homey.

6. Miami vs. Baltimore (Sunday)

Baltimore, which prompts Reagan Mauia to eat John Beck. Another win-win.

Anonymous said...

1. Rainbow Wahine
2. No
3. Lakers (gotta go kobe)
4. seiously? Patriots! DeMello is a moron! hahaha
5. 120 Yards
6. Samson Satele Represent! 'Fins!

Anonymous said...

1. Wahine
2. Yes
3. Lakers
4. Patriots
5. 107 yards
6. Dolphins

Anonymous said...

Rob. you were so close if you had said. no and the patriots you would have been all good.

Anonymous said...

Rob. you were so close if you had said. no and the patriots you would have been all good.