Friday, April 11, 2008


It's April 11th, Felipe's Girlfriend is coming into town and it's time for Friday Forecast!!!!

1. Tiger Woods Score at the Masters
2. Rainbow Homeruns vs. New Mexico State
3. Yankees vs. Red Sox (3 Game Series)
4. Castle vs. Moanalua Baseball
5. Dallas @ Seattle (NBA Sunday)
6. Spurs @ Lakers (NBA Sunday)

Pops: -8, 1 HR, Yankees, Castle, Mavericks, Lakers
Kanoa: -8, Zero, Yankees, Castle, Mavericks, Spurs
Rob: -6, 1 HR, Boston, Castle, Seattle, Lakers
Felipe: -7, Zero, Yankees, Moanalua, Mavericks, Lakers


Anonymous said...

-8,0,Redsox Baby! Castle, Dallas, Spurs.

Anonymous said...

-4, 0, yanks, castle, mavs, lakers

Anonymous said...

-4, 0, sox, menehune, mavs, lakers

Anonymous said...

late, but for fun
1 -7
2 0
3 sox
4 castle
5 mavs
6 lakers
